
Best 10 Types of Pet Lizards (Gecko)

You’re fascinated by pet lizards quick movements, inquisitive eyes, and vibrant markings, but which particular breeds may you see staring back at you at your neighborhood pet shop or reptile exchange (also known as an animal expo)? We’re delighted you inquired!

The 10 most popular species of pet lizards have been compiled here for you to research and maybe add to your collection.

First off, would you be a good home for a pet lizard? Take a moment to review the questions on this checklist before making a decision.

For more information about pets visit snake breeds

Pet scorpions breeds

  • Is there enough space in your home for a terrarium?
  • Is it possible to set it up on a raised shelf or table where curious kids and/or dogs can’t get it?
  • Is it okay to feed live foods like mice, insects, etc. to a pet lizard?
  • Are your children old enough to understand what safe handling instructions mean? (Hand cleaning and careful handling are crucial when dealing with lizards!)
  • Do you have the time to care for and spoil a new pet?

If every answer was yes, then let’s take a closer look at some of the most well-known lizard species.

Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons Pet Lizards , also referred to as “beardies,” are indigenous to Australia. This lizard is an excellent choice for herp enthusiasts who wish to begin with reptiles because it is highly adaptable to drastic changes in temperature and moisture levels.

Bearded dragons are generally peaceful and amiable. As omnivores, beardies like eating a variety of plant and animal items, including as mealworms, insects, and dandelion greens.

Pet Lizards


There are more than 200 different species of this type of pet lizards, such as the well-known veiled chameleon, Jackson’s chameleon, and pygmy chameleon. The veiled chameleon, which is native to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, is the friendliest of the species.

Because they are delicate animals, chameleons are best viewed through the glass enclosure that surrounds them. It’s plenty to stimulate them with the occasional quick walk across your fingers and back onto a limb in their house. As an insectivore, the veiled chameleon eats roaches, mealworms, superworms, waxworms, and crickets that have been given extra calcium and vitamins.

Crested Gecko

The island of New Caledonia is the source of the adorable crested pet lizards. They like to be handled, especially if it gives them the opportunity to explore on your hand or arm. They are easy to control and submissive. A home with older children would benefit from owning one of these lizards as a family pet.

Omnivores are crested pet lizards thrive on commercial gecko food, crickets and Reptile Munchies Mealworms as feeder insects, and the occasional treat of freshly diced tropical fruit.

Green Anole

The southern regions of the United States, like as Georgia and South Carolina, are home to both brown and green anoles. These pet lizards are swift and entertaining to watch, but they are difficult to handle or pet due to their lack of aggression. They work best on a patient, attentive teen or adult because of their rapid speed. Anoles relish consuming spiders and insects, even tiny crickets.


A typical pet lizards is around the size of a hand, but iguanas can reach up to six feet in length and weigh up to twenty pounds. Their origins are in Central America.If an adult can control their enormous claws, they are wonderful companions.

They are generally placid companions, though they can bite if startled, which can be uncomfortable. Iguanas love to consume leaves, apples, bell peppers, cucumbers, clover, and marigolds because they are herbivores. They also like to eat fruits and flowers. You could also provide them iguana pellets.

Leopard Gecko

This pet lizards originated in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Their reputation as robust and calm animals makes them popular in pet stores. As apex predators, leopard geckos scavenge insects in their natural habitat. Because they were bred on nutrient-rich crickets, mealworms, waxworms, superworms, and cockroaches, they make excellent pets.


In Africa, Asia, and the Pacific region, there are about eighty different species of monitor pet lizards that prefer rocky areas, savannahs, and grasslands. An adult who can dedicate a significant amount of time and care to caring for a reptile can consider keeping a savannah monitor as a pet.

An adult monitor is often peaceful and attentive if raised gently as a youngster. There are carnivorous species of monitors. Pet savannah monitors thrive on a diet of insects such as mealworms, roaches, crickets, and waxworms.

Skink (Blue Tongue)

The blue-tongue skink can be seen wandering freely in the fields and forests of Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia. When they are young, lizards, seem wary and uncomfortable around people.

They like a mixture of chopped carrots, mealworms, dandelion greens, crickets, and waxworms while they are kept in captivity.


Tegu Throughout Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina, these South and Central American lizards are widespread. You can also come across the Argentine black and white, red, and gold tegus wandering about Florida homes.

Tegus are generally calm, but because of their size—they can reach four feet—they are better left to skilled reptile handlers. Being omnivores, these lizards consume a wide range of fruits, rodents, tiny reptiles, and the eggs of ground-nesting birds.


This species, sometimes referred to as an “uro” or “dabb” lizard, is the last pet lizard on our list. They are indigenous to south-central Asia, the Middle East, and northern Africa.Uros are known for having a kind disposition.

However, if they are shocked while sleeping, you can anticipate a vocal gasp or tail whip. A mixture of greens, such as the leafy parts of bok choy, turnip, endive, mustard, and dandelions, is what Uromastyx loves to eat. Grated carrot, sweet potato, or squash can be sprinkled on top. Grass seed, sunflower seed, and the occasional insect are also enjoyed by uropos.

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