How long does a dog stay in heat? Explain

Dog breeding and the heat cycle, also known as the season. How long does a dog stay in heat? Classically, a dog’s heat cycle occurs every six to seven months, although it can sometimes be as short as four months or as long as once a year. Typically, the season lasts for three weeks, though it can range anywhere from seven or ten days to four weeks. It’s very much an individual process, so don’t worry if your dog doesn’t fit the exact norm.

Dog Breeds

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How long does a dog stay in heat?


Although the time intervals can vary between breeds, most female dogs will go into heat twice per year or every six months. Small breeds can experience their heat cycles three to four times per year, while large breeds may only cycle once per year. Small breed dogs can cycle up to three times per year, but it is normal for their cycle to be irregular when they first begin experiencing heat cycles. It is not uncommon for female dogs to take a few years to develop a regular cycle.

Signs of Heat

The estrus cycle is often noticed when the swelling or engorgement of the vulva occurs. However, the swelling may not be obvious in all dogs. The female will experience a bloody vaginal discharge, resulting in the female licking or paying more attention to her vulva. Sometimes, but not always, the female’s nipples and breasts will swell slightly, though this can also be a sign of a phantom pregnancy.

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2. Proestrus

When the cycle begins, the vulva becomes swollen, and the dog will start producing a bloody discharge. She will likely attract male dogs, and as soon as this happens, you should treat it as the first day of her season, which we call proestrus. As time progresses, the bloody discharge will fade and may become more mucous-like or straw-colored. She will still attract dogs and might even allow a male to mate her during this period, which we call estrus. This phase typically lasts seven days but can range from three days to 21 days.

3. Estrus: The Fertile Period

Following estrus, the dog enters the metestrus phase. The vulva shrinks back down, and she will no longer be attractive to male dogs. Even if they are attracted to her, she won’t show interest in them. This phase can last up to 63 days, and during this time, she may either be pregnant or experience a condition known as false pregnancy or phantom pregnancy, which mimics pregnancy signs. This is a normal part of the hormonal changes that occur during this season.

4. Anestrus

After day 63, the dog enters anestrus. Everything settles down, and this phase lasts anywhere from four to five months until she enters her next season. During anestrus, there will be no attraction to other dogs, her mammary glands will not develop, and her vulva will return to normal size. Then, the cycle starts again.

Care Tips about (How long does a dog stay in heat?)

The care given to your female during the heat cycle should concentrate on keeping her comfortable. The female can become easily agitated, pacing, whimpering, and panting during this time. It may be best to separate the female from the other dogs during the cycle period. If you do not plan to breed your dog, it is highly advised you have your dog spayed, benefiting both her health and your sanity as the caregiver. If the owner intends to breed the female, it is strongly advised to wait until the dog has experienced her second cycle, as the eggs are not yet mature enough to be viable. Gaining a greater understanding of your female dog’s heat cycles will prove beneficial for both you and her.

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