
Most Popular 10+Turtle Breeds

Because they are calm and pleasant in general, pet turtle breeds are a popular choice for friends. They can spread disease, are not particularly friendly or cute creatures, and may even outlive you due to their longer lifespans. There are many different species of turtle breeds, and some are more suited to be kept as pets than others. Their size, temperament, and food requirements are all different. Some are known to be friendlier and less aggressive, while others will get rather big.

The top 10+ turtle breeds that make excellent pets are listed below, along with all the details you need to provide them the best care possible.

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Turtle breeds

Red eared slider

The red-eared slider is a highly sought-after species of aquatic turtle breeds. They are generally more gregarious and friendly than some of their relatives, they are reasonably active, and they are affordable, typically costing $20. The male turtle breeds are also among the easiest to handle.

Though most of the time kept indoors, these turtles can thrive in an outdoor pond given the proper conditions—that is, adequate cleaning, shelter, and warmth. It may become simpler to give them the outside space they require as they get older.

Red-eared sliders can get rather large, so their tank needs to be roomy and have enough places for them to sunbathe. It will require an effective water filtering system and UV light.

It will require a strong water filtering system and UV illumination. These people have a reputation for being really untidy!

They can require more care than other turtle breeds due to their size, which means they have greater feeding requirements and housing demands. However, given proper care, they often outlive 50 years of age and are a resilient and healthy species. Similar to other turtle breeds, minimal handling is recommended to prevent overstressing them.

Common names for this species include water slider turtle breeds, red-eared slider turtle, red-eared terrapin, and red-eared slider turtle.

Name according to science: Trachemys scripta elegans

Adult Dimensions: Approximately 12 inches

Physical attributes: red patch behind each eye; green and yellow patterns on the skin and shell

life span: 20–30 years

African sideneck Turtle

African sideneck turtle breeds are unusual small aquatic animals with long necks that are unable to fully retract inside their shells. They also have a different architecture than other common water-based turtles.

They are frequently a popular choice due to their distinctive appearance and size, but they require more complicated maintenance than some other turtle breeds. Their water needs to be changed once a week and kept in extremely good condition. However, a well-designed filtering system makes less frequent updating possible. In order to avoid deficiencies in Vitamin D3 and A, they also require a fresh and varied diet.

They like to swim despite their small size, therefore, a large tank—ideally at least 75 gallons—is required.Suitable basking platforms with UV lights are needed for them to lie under. It is also best to keep them inside because the temperature should never drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you don’t push interactions, sidenecks can be curious turtle breeds that won’t go away to hide when you arrive to examine them. However, they shouldn’t be handled. Furthermore, their typical price falls between $50 and $100.

African side-neck turtle, African side-necked turtle, and African helmeted turtle are some of its common names.

scientific name: Pelomedusa subrufa

Adult Dimensions: 8 to 12

Physical attributes:include olive to brown skin, a dark brown shell, and black patterns on the head.

Lifespan: 50 years or more is possible at times.

Eastern box Turtle

Although they require a large amount of space, eastern box turtles may survive both indoors and outdoors given the proper environment. Their average cost ranges from $50 to $300.

They require a moist substrate and a little pool of water in their container, and they like a humid atmosphere. If kept inside, they will also require a UVB basking light.

Their susceptibility to respiratory infections may increase if their surroundings are very dry and chilly.

Though they don’t usually act aggressively, these turtle breeds can be bashful. However, with the correct kind interactions and little handling, you can start to see their true selves. If you have a delectable treat, they might even come over to say hello.

Common Names: eastern box turtle, land turtle

scientific name: Terrapene Carolina Carolina

Adult measurements: 5 to 7 inches.

Physical characteristics: Brown, high-domed shell with bright yellow, orange, and red patterns.

Lifespan: 40 to 50 years in captivity with appropriate care, and up to 100 years in the wild.

Western painted turtle

A Western painted turtle breeds may be appealing if you’re looking for something different and eye-catching. They have complex markings on their shells.

Although these aquatic turtle breeds are small in size, they nevertheless need a sizable tank or outdoor space, a good water filtration system, and basking lights to help maintain the water’s temperature. The criteria for their place of residence are similar to those of the red-eyed slider.

Since they like to eat while swimming, food that can be quickly removed from the water if it isn’t eaten is a great option to help maintain the tank clean for longer.

They can be quite shy turtle breed and won’t benefit from regular handling. Additionally, their typical prices fall between $100 and $200, therefore, they are more costly than other turtles.

Common Names: Painted Turtle of the West

scientific name:Chrysemys picta bellii

size: :up to 10 inches for adults.

Physical attributes: Stripes on the skin: olive to dark brown on the upper shell; yellow, red, or orange on the lower shell

Lifespan: At some periods, one may anticipate living for up to 50 years.

Mississippi map turtle

The term “sawback” refers to the unusual dorsal fin of Mississippi map turtle breeds, which stretches the entire length of their shell. For individuals who are limited on space, they can be an excellent alternative because they don’t require as large of an enclosure as some of their relatives, the water turtles.

They live for thirty years, but that is a little shorter than typical. In addition, the price might vary from $30 to over $100 based on the breeder you buy from and the age of the turtle.

Compared to some other turtles, they may be more bashful near humans, which may increase their stress levels.Compared to some species, map turtle breeds are often more resilient and less prone to health problems. Intestinal parasites, infections, metabolic bone disease, and enlarged claws and beaks are possible issues, though. To avoid health problems, fungal infections, and deficiencies, it is imperative to have access to clean water, adequate lighting, and a suitable diet.

Common Name: Map Turtle of the Mississippi

scientific name:Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni is the scientific name.

Adult Size: Up to 5 inches for men and up to 10 inches for women

Physical characteristics: include a yellow lower shell, stripes on the head, and crescent-shaped yellow spots behind the eyes. The upper shell is dark olive to brown with a ridge.

Life Span: 15 to 25 years, with a possibility of up to and beyond 30 years

Common musk turtle

The common musk turtle breeds is one of the better-known kinds of aquatic turtles. They’re small and don’t need as much attention as some others.

But these are not turtles that are meant to be handled all the time. When they sense danger, they release an offensive, musky stench. They are sometimes rather aggressive. This is how the moniker “the stinkpot” was born.

They are not as good swimmers as some other aquatic turtle breeds, thus, the water in their enclosure shouldn’t be too deep. There should be plenty of spots for them to easily get out of the water and enjoy the UVB rays.

Like any other species, prices vary depending on a lot of factors, however, you might find these turtles for less than 100$.

Common Names: stinkpot, Eastern musk turtle, and common musk turtle

Nickname in science: Sternotherus Odoratus

Adult Dimensions: 3 to 5 in.

Physical attributes: males have tail spikes; females have yellow stripes extending from the snout to the neck; shells are black, gray, or brown.

Lifespan: Fifty years or more

Spotted turtle

The spotted turtle breeds is one of the smallest types of aquatic turtles that can be kept in captivity if you have limited room. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing due to their unique spotted shell, they may be kept both indoors and outdoors with the appropriate housing.

Some of these turtles live to be over 100 years old, so caring for them can be expensive—they can cost $100 or more!

Since they don’t swim very well, their water should not be too deep, just like with MuskIt’s crucial to have a well-balanced diet that includes lots of meat, leafy vegetables, and fruit. Additionally, handling the spotted turtle should be limited, just like with other turtles.

Common Names: Michigan Spotted Turtle, Michigan Spotted Turtle, Clemmy

Call Sign: Clemmys Guttata

Adult Dimensions: 4 to 5 in.

Physical attributes: dark skin with pink, orange, and yellow markings; yellow spots on a black upper shell; yellow to orange lower shell

Easily reaches 50 years of age, and some people have been known to live to be beyond 100. turtle breeds. Additionally, they require warm basking platforms and decorations that let them go outside to rest.

Yellow Bellied slider

One of the most common aquatic turtle breeds kept as pets are yellow-bellied sliders, which can be rather hardy with the correct nutrition, habitat, and illumination.

Being larger than stinkpots or spotted turtles, they require a large tank or appropriate outside environment.
Many pet parents who like to watch them find them appealing because, unlike some other turtles, they are usually the busiest during the day. You may be able to gradually acclimate them to some handling, but they will become stressed by handling and will bite if they feel threatened.

They’re really easy to find because of their popularity. Just make sure the supplier or breeder you choose for your yellow-bellied slider is reputable. These turtle breeds are reasonably priced; hatchlings may run as low as $20 on average, while adults may fetch as high as $100.

Common Names: Slider with a yellow belly

Name according to science: Trachemys scripta scripta

Adult Measurements: 8 to 13 inches for females; 5 to 9 inches for males

Physical attributes: Upper shell: brown or black with yellow lines; lower shell: yellow with black dots

Lifespan: Forty Years Maximum

Reeve’s turtle

Of all the turtles on this list, the Reeve’s turtle is arguably the friendliest. They usually cost fifty dollars or more.

Unusually for an aquatic turtle breeds, they can occasionally even appreciate being touched if you treat them with kindness and patience. Naturally, handling can still be upsetting for them, so this should only be carried out when absolutely necessary.

They don’t need as big an enclosure and are smaller than red-eared sliders, but their care needs are similar.

Even though their lifespan isn’t as long, they usually have a rather robust lifespan. Those who aren’t searching for such a long commitment might find this appealing.

Common Names: Chinese pond turtle, Chinese three-keeled pond turtle, Reeve’s turtle

Name in science: Mauremys reevesii

Size for Adult: 6 to 9 inches

Physical characteristics: upper shell olive, tan, or black; below shell cream, tan, or yellow with dark markings; head and neck with yellow markings.

Lifespan: Typically 10 to 15 years, but can reach 20 years

Wood turtle

The wood turtle breeds is renowned for being rather hardy and amiable when handled and interacted with properly. Compared to most aquatic creatures, their needs aren’t as complicated. However, they do require a reasonably substantial enclosure, so an outdoor setting is usually the best choice for them.

It’s critical to maintain their pond area at an appropriately low level because, as they are not aquatic, they could drown in excessively deep water.

They also require a high-protein diet. In addition to leafy greens, appropriate edibles include insects, slugs, earthworms, snails, and more.

Not only are these turtle breeds difficult to find, but keeping them may be prohibited in some places. Make sure you conduct thorough research and that the sources you choose are reliable.

Common Names: Old Red Leg, Wood Turtle

scientific name: Glyptemys insculpta is its scientific name.

Adult Dimensions: 5 to 8 in.

Physical attributes include an outer shell that is olive green to brown, a lower shell that is yellow or brown with dark patterns, and legs and neck that are colored red, orange, or yellow.

Maximum Lifespan: 50 Years

Russian turtoise

The small Russian tortoise, also called the Horsfield’s tortoise, needs time spent outside and can be kept both indoors and outdoors. When they’re outside, it’s crucial to make sure the enclosure is safe because they like to burrow.

In addition to having a basking area, UVA/UVB light, and a substrate made of sand or soil, their cage must be big enough to provide your pet with plenty of space. Moreover, these tortoises hibernate.

Give your tortoise a range of appropriate plants to eat to keep them healthy. Give them no grains, fruits, or animal protein.

As long as the tortoise doesn’t become agitated when you hold it, you can communicate with them and help them become used to being handled. Usually, they are about $200 in price.

Common names include Horsfield’s tortoise, steppe tortoise, Central Asian tortoise, Russian tortoise, and Afghan tortoise.

Scientific name: Agrionemys horsfieldii, sometimes known as Testudo horsfieldii (Commonly known as Testudo horsfieldii, but recently assigned to its own genus, Agrionemys horsfieldii)

Size for Adult: 4 to 8 inches

Physical characteristics: include four toes on the front legs and an olive to light brown top shell with dark patterns.

life span: 50-year

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