
Can You Adopt a Pet Monkey?

As with most other pets, the pet monkey requires different care. A well-maintained pet monkey will require your complete focus for the duration of their life and can survive anywhere from 20 to 40 years. Adorable newborns turn into challenging adult monkeys who are not typically suitable as pets. We discuss the difficulties that come with owning a pet monkey, such as potential behavioral, health, and legal problems.

Are monkeys suitable as pets?

Monkeys do not develop into the same adults as human youngsters. They are essentially toddlers forever. In addition, your pet monkey may not get along with new people, such as spouses or kids, and they may make it difficult for you to take trips. A pet monkey’s search for a new home is also very challenging and stressful for the monkey psychologically.

Legal Issues

A pet monkey also requires a great deal of social engagement. If you don’t give your pet monkey enough time and care, it may develop serious behavioral difficulties like biting and screaming in addition to psychological disorders that may be hard to treat.

It may be against the law in your area to keep a pet monkey, including monkeys. Various nations have various restrictions when it comes to owning pet monkey. If you live in the United States, find out if you are allowed to keep a monkey as a pet by checking the state and municipal legislation. While keeping pet monkey is completely illegal in some places, it is permitted in others with possible limitations. Even in cases where owning a pet monkey is lawful, permissions may still be needed. Permit holders may occasionally have their homes inspected to make sure the right amenities and care are being given.

What’s the Price of a Pet Monkey?

Not only are these animals expensive to own as pet monkey, but they are also pricey to buy from reliable vendors. Expenses will change according on the kind of pet monkey. For instance, a chimpanzee may cost $50,000, whereas capuchin monkeys may cost $5,000 to $7,000.

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Types of monkeys

There are many distinct sizes and forms for monkeys. They are distinctive in a few traits and can be found on most continents. Additionally, many of them have opposable thumbs, which enhances their dexterity while grabbing objects. Ischial callosities, or rough callouses on the buttocks, are present in Old World monkeys and help with sitting comfort. The Amazon rainforests in South and Central America are home to New World Monkeys, on the other hand.

These monkeys, categorized as platyrrhines, lack the ischial callosities present in their counterparts from the Old World and have large noses with nostrils facing outward. Despite all of this, pet monkey is not suitable as a pet. The prehensile tails of many New World monkey species allow them to wrap around branches and offer extra support and gripping power. But generally speaking, their hands are not as dexterous as those of Old World monkeys.

There are many types of monkeys but they are not recommended as pets its just for your information that many types of monkeys have in this world

Lion-tailed Macaque

Wanderoo, another name for lion-tailed macaques, are named for their long, flowing manes that resemble lions’ manes. They can blend in with the surroundings thanks to their silver and black fur. These monkeys store food in cheek pouches for short periods of time. Wanderoos are gregarious creatures that are typically seen in groups of twenty to thirty individuals, with twice as many females and young as males.

Fun fact: In addition to varied posture and expression clues, lion-tailed macaques employ approximately seventeen different vocal calls to communicate.

Scientific Name: Macaca Silenus

Habitat: Southern India and the Western Ghats rainforests.Diet: Omnivorous, consuming tiny animals, fruits, seeds, and insects.

Risk: Endangered; less than 4,000 people are thought to be in the world.

Rhesus Macaques

The rhesus macaques’ medium-sized tails and pink faces. Their bodies are a dusky brown color, and their faces are hairless. Their rear is the same hue as their cheeks but has firmer tissue. The only other primates that have a greater population than these monkeys are humans.

It’s amazing how important rhesus macaques are to medical studies.
Because of their immune systems that resemble those of humans, rhesus macaques are used to test medications and immunizations. Rhesus macaques have become an invaluable component of the medical research community and have helped save countless lives thanks to this significant scientific contribution.

Name in science: Macaca mulatta
Habitat: Cities, forests, and deserts in Afghanistan, China, India, and other Asian countries.
Their diet consists of fruits, vegetables, insects, and small animals; they are omnivores.
Risk: Not Too Serious
Size: Rhesus Macaques weigh between 5 and 15 kg , making them medium-sized monkeys.


Baboons have sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and long, dog-like snouts, among other characteristics. They can hunt, defend, and rear their young with the aid of these traits. They can crush hard-shelled nuts and seeds thanks to their powerful jaws and pointed teeth.

Because of their gregarious nature, these monkeys are referred to as troops. A troop of baboons can number up to 200 individuals, with males serving as the group leaders.

Baboons are vital to African ecosystems. They spread seeds, promoting the growth of plants everywhere. By consuming insects and other pests, they control the number of insects.

Name in science: Papio

Habitat: Baboons can be found in sections of Arabia and throughout Africa’s savannas, forests, and deserts.

Diet: Omnivores make up babies. Fruits, seeds, insects, small mammals, and even other primates are all part of their diet.

Risk: Because of habitat loss, poaching, and other factors, it is vulnerable or threatened. They are not in danger.

Size: Baboons vary in length from about 51 to 127 cm (20 to 50 in) and in weight from 13.5 to 45 kg (30 to 100 pounds), depending on the species.

Roloway monkey

The Roloway monkey is easily recognized thanks to its characteristic red and black face and long black and white fur. The peculiar vocalization of Roloway monkeys is one of their distinguishing qualities. Their calls are well-known for being high-pitched, powerful, and audible for miles. Sadly, there are now very few Roloway monkeys remaining in the wild, making them an endangered species.

Name in science: Cercopithecus

Habitat: West African dense woods.

Diet: Mostly plant-based, consuming fruits, leaves, and seeds.

Risk: Small numbers of endangered species still exist in the wild.

Weight: Approximately 7 kg (15 lb) for males and 4 kg (8.8 lb) for females.

Fun Fact: Eating a banana when its peel is on is like something out of a horror movie! Similar to humans, Roloway monkeys peel bananas before eating them.

Snow Monkeys

One of the most well-known monkey species worldwide is the snow monkey, sometimes referred to as the Japanese macaque. Being the only species of monkeys to live in locations covered in snow, they are renowned for their extraordinary capacity to endure in chilly and snowy climates. They prefer bathing in hot springs to help regulate their body temperature, and they have thick fur coats to keep them warm.

Fun Fact: It’s likely that you have frequently been urged to wash your fruit before eating it. Snow monkeys are aware that dirt on fruits can contain dangerous materials. Similar to how we do, they have been observed washing dirt off fruits in river waters.

Scientific name: Macaca fuscata

The habitat is the snow-covered areas of Japan, including Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

Diet: They are primarily herbivores and consume fruits, nuts, berries, and seeds. They also eat other small invertebrates and insects. They can occasionally eat small mammals and birds.

Danger: Not Too High

Size: Snow monkeys range in weight from 5 to 8 kg  for females and 10 to 14 kg  for males. Snow monkeys are incredibly little animals.

Langur Monkeys

The long, lean physique and characteristic gray fur of langur monkeys make them immediately identifiable. Due to their diurnal nature, langurs are active during the day and rest at night. The way langurs converse with one another is among their most fascinating characteristics. They use a sophisticated system of body language, vocalizations, and scent markings to communicate with other individuals in their group.

Name in science: Semnopithecus

Habitat: Found in Asia’s cities, meadows, and woodlands, among other environments.

Food: Being mostly herbivorous, its diet comprises of various plant components such as leaves, fruits, and flowers.

Risk: A number of langur species, including the François’, Hatinh, and Delacour’s langurs, are classified as vulnerable or endangered by the IUCN Red List.

Size: Although the size of langurs varies by species, they typically weigh between 5 and 15 kg (11 and 33 lb).


Another name for geladas is “bleeding heart” monkeys. They are categorized as Old World monkeys and are distinguished by the black and crimson markings on their chests that resemble a bleeding heart. Geladas are gentle people, yet they still need to remain alert to hazardous animals like eagles, jackals, and hyenas. To keep safe, geladas congregate in large groups—which can occasionally number in the hundreds.

Interesting fact: What do a gelato and a cow have in common? The only primates that graze are these ones. They typically use their fingers to pluck grass while sitting on the verdant ground.

Scientific Name: Theropithecus gelada in science

Habitat: Ethiopia’s high grasslands

Food: Leaves, plants, and grasses

Danger: Exposable

size:Medium in size and weighs between 20 and 30 kg (44 and 66 lb).


Mandrills are distinguished by their vivid markings, which include a bright red beard and nose, as well as a colorful face and bottom. They eat hard shells and nuts, which they smash open with their powerful jaws and keen teeth while living in groups known as soldiers.

Fun Fact: The average number of members in a Mandrill group is 620. More than 1300 mandrills were observed crossing a road in one occasion.
Scientific name: Mandrillus sphinx

Habitat: The habitats are in Central and West Africa.

Diet: Nuts and hard shells

Risk: Vulnerable

Size: Mandrill males can weigh up to 54.5 kg (120 pounds) and measure 70-95 cm (28-37 in) in length, making them the largest monkey species.

Proboscis Monkeys

The noses of proboscis monkeys are renowned for being long and wrinkled. Compared to female monkeys, males have substantially larger noses. Proboscis monkeys utilize their noses for a variety of purposes, such as communicating with other members of their own species, seeing potential mates, and warding off predators. They are also proficient swimmers. They utilize their noses as snorkels when swimming in rivers and streams.

Scientific name: Nasalis larvatus
Rainforests can be found on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia.
Food: They exclusively eat fruits, leaves, and seeds because they are mostly herbivorous.

Risk: It is believed that this species is in danger due to habitat loss and unlawful poaching.

Size: Males can weigh up to 22 kg, while females typically weigh about 11 kg. Their length ranges from 56 to 72 centimeters.

Black and White Colobus Monkey

The appearance and behavior of the Black and White Colobus Monkey set it apart from other monkey species. Unlike most monkeys, they do not have thumbs, instead they utilize their long, hairy tails to maintain balance while they jump through the trees.

Interesting fact: Colobus monkeys have a distinct jumping gait. They utilize the branches as trampolines, bobbing up and down on them as they leap up to 50 feet in the air.

scientific Name: Colobus
Habitat: Africa’s rain forests
Diet: Mostly eats fruits, leaves, and flowers.
Risk: Not Too Serious
Weight: Up to 14 kg is possible. When the tail is included, their maximum length is 134 cm.

Western Red Colobus

The distinctive digestive tract of Western Red Colobus monkeys enables them to thrive on a diet mainly composed of rough leaves. The rough leaves that the Western Red Colobus eat are fermented by a unique pouch in their stomach, which aids in the breakdown of the hard-to-digest plant matter and gives the animal vital nutrients.

Fun Fact: Red Colobus monkeys contribute to the environment by spreading seeds, which promotes the growth of forests.

Scientific Name: Piliocolobus badius
Habitat: Africa’s western area
Diet: Hardy leaves
Danger: In danger
Size: They are approximately 127 centimeters  long and weigh 7–12 kg .

Squirrel Monkeys

The majority of squirrel monkeys are small, brightly colored, long-tailed animals. The squirrel monkey is an arboreal mammal. Their large fingers and toes allow them to move around more quickly and grip items like trees. There are hundreds of squirrel monkeys living in the big colonies. They bark and call to each other to keep each other company.

Fun Fact: One of the most intelligent monkeys is thought to be a squirrel monkey. Their brains are rather huge in comparison to their bodies. Because of their enormous brains, they are able to communicate through around thirty different yells.

Name in science: Saimiri sciureus
Habitat: The South and Central American rainforests serve as the habitat.
Diet: Their main food sources are fruits, insects, and spiders. They consume foliage, flowers, and bird eggs as wellSize: One of the smallest species of monkeys worldwide are squirrel monkeys, which are little primates. Usually, they weigh between one and five kilograms.

Spix’s Night Monkey

An odd animal found in the Amazon rainforest is the Spix’s night monkey. Unlike other monkeys, Spix’s night monkey is active at night and sleeps during the day. They can evade being hunted or eaten thanks to this.

These monkeys can navigate through trees at night thanks to their large eyes, distinctive tails, and limbs. These are the only monkeys who perceive the world in grayscale, black and white due to their complete lack of color.

Fun Fact: In a fight, these tiny primates never give up their intensity. Comparatively speaking, same-sex monkeys are among the most violent of all the New World monkey species.

Scientific Name: Aotus vociferans
Habitat: The Amazon rainforest is the habitat.
Diet.: Fruits, insects, and leaves are the diet.
Risk: Minimal Risk Anxiety
Size: 30–40 cm in length and 1-2 kg in weight, making it small to medium sized.

Golden Lion Tamarins

With their lengthy mane that covers their neck and chest and their brilliant golden fur, Golden Lion Tamarins are easily identified. Since these monkeys are an endangered species, their conservation is equally crucial. The number of Golden Lion Tamarins has stabilized because to conservation efforts including protected areas and forestry initiatives, but they still require constant care to preserve their existence.

Fun Fact: When a female golden lion tamarin gives birth to twins, her groups—which can include two to nine people—become extremely helpful in raising the offspring. The most helpful people are fathers.

scientific Name. Leontopithecus rosalia.
Habitat: Found in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest.
Diet: Main sources of food are insects, fruit, and small vertebrates.
risk: endangered species pose a risk.
Size:The monkeys in question are rather little, weighing just approximately 1.5 pounds .

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