Should I Keep a Tiger as a Pet ?is it advisable?

What makes some Arabs more likely to own a lion or tiger as a pet? How do you tame them?

They have not been subdued. It’s a major issue; in one occasion, I believe a man in the UAE possessed three lions, and he departed without locking them up. The lions tore off the arms and legs of a Filipino woman who had been hired to clean the house. Maybe half of her body, or one of each. Her brief life ended in death.

The lion owner was a member of the UAE army, was charged, returned home, shot all the lions, took them into the desert, and set their corpses ablaze.

It’s downright repulsive. This epidemic isIt’s downright repulsive. Currently, France and other European countries are being affected by this plague. where one can overnight rent a cub.

Usually, they are mistreated, kept in tiny cages, and fed little. and when they grow too large, shot and skinned.

It’s a reprehensible, abhorrent, and pitiful thing to do or be associated with in any manner. The trafficking and exploitation of any wild animal is a major global issue, and those who engage in it are utterly despicable.

The theft of cubs from Africa for sale in the Middle East is a major issue. Moms getting shot and all the cubs being taken.

Like anything in the Arab world, it’s a tragedy and unethical behavior that, regrettably, they don’t seem to understand.

Tiger as a pet are not recommeded. These are wild cats, not house cats. Three of the six remaining tiger species are extinct, so none of them should be kept tiger as a pet. The majority of US states have passed legislation outlawing the ownership of any big cat species as pets. Tigers require acres of costly, high-security enclosures because they are large, powerful, winged predators that consume dozens of pounds of meat every day.tiger as a pet are not acceptable for the home at any age since the risk of attack significantly outweighs any potential benefits. Here are some specifics regarding living with these big cats alongside people, though, in case you’re interested.


NAME IN SCIENCE: Panthera tigris

Adult size: from head to tail, up to 10 feet in length

LIFESPAN: 20 years or more

Can You Keep a Tiger as a Pet?


The majority of states prohibit the ownership of large cats and other exotic pets, particularly in areas with dense populations. Tiger as a pet is not recommended.In particular, keeping tiger as a pet is prohibited in 35 jurisdictions, and owning any dangerous exotic creature is prohibited in 21 states. Before attempting to obtain a tiger as a pet or any other big cat, be sure to check the local laws; the Big Cat Public Safety Act is a piece of pending federal legislation that would forbid private individuals from keeping big cats.


Ideally, tigers should live in the wild. Tigers do not thrive in a typical backyard; instead, they do best in large zoos or big cat rescue preserves where they are kept in captivity.

Things to Think About tiger as a pet

Because tigers have evolved over eons to live in vast wildlands in particular geographic zones, pet enthusiasts cannot provide the life that tigers require. Tiger as a pet is not recommended. The life of a tiger and its caretakers may be in jeopardy when it is kept in a small area, like a house or yard. Visits to zoos, where you can watch and appreciate the presence of tigers in a safer and more natural atmosphere, are preferable.

Tiger as a pet

Tiger Attitude and Behavior: Caution

A tiger cub becomes large enough to push down an adult human well before they turn one year old. Even their play bites have the ability to kill their owner or other close individuals, in addition to causing catastrophic damage.

Big, powerful, and dangerous cats are tigers. They are fiercely protective of their territory, powerful swimmers, and capable of taking down a 500-pound sprinting antelope. In the wild, female tigers typically cover a territory of seven miles, but males can cover up to nearly forty miles. Men designate their areas by strategically placing excrement and pee drops. With the exception of mating season and the time when moms are caring for their babies, tigers usually lead lonely lives.

Tiger babies are adorable and little, but in just their first year, they will become hundreds of pounds and have inch-long canines and claws.Since tigers utilize their claws to walk, they should never be declawed. Eliminating their big teeth would also make it impossible for them to consume their food.

A tiger’s behavior cannot be accurately predicted because, at their core, they are still wild creatures. Tiger as a pet is not recommended. However, many tigers have been carefully and strategically trained to be near people and will go years without incident. Even after working with their tigers every day for years, well-known trainers have been mauled and killed by their cherished pets.

In the United States, tigers have been known to attack humans very frequently; however, maulings that are not fatal are less common.Severe or fatal injuries were reported in over 260 cases of exotic cat attacks. Between 1990 and 2014, there were 16 non-domesticated feline species that were the subject of documented assaults; of these, tigers accounted for approximately half of the attacks.

According to statistics from the same time period, private menageries and unaccredited institutions saw the majority of fatal assaults or injuries. Accredited institutions were also frequently the target of attacks by well-trained performance animals, either during a show or while the animals were being walked in or close to the public. Legislators around the nation have been swayed by big cat safety concerns to enact state and federal legislation that prohibits tigers from being owned.residing
Tigers require large areas of extremely secure terrain; they are able to leap, climb, and swim out of numerous enclosures designed to keep them out. Tigers have a history of escaping from private estates and zoos, where they have killed everyone they come across. A big area of fenced-in territory with access to ponds or small lakes, trees, and shelters is all that a caged tiger needs to be protected from the outside world and to keep humans safe from them. Tigers in the wild wander over several kilometers of terrain.

The owner of a tiger as a pet must provide enrichment activities even in a big area. For a tiger to be healthy, it has to employ its predatory instincts to jump, climb, play, and explore. A bored tiger will not be healthy. Zoos frequently put big plastic balls in pools that tigers will leap on, as well as hanging food containers and expansive tree limb apparatus areas that can be climbed on. Tigers can and do become medically depressed due to boredom in the absence of intricate enrichment programs.

What Foods and Drinks Do Tigers as a pet Eat?

An adult tiger’s feeding requirements vary depending on its gender and age, but it may take up to 88 pounds of meat at once. Antelope, gazelles, water buffalo, deer, and fish make up a tiger’s diet. However, these raptors will consume nearly any animal they manage to capture.

The Smithsonian National Zoo reports that the tigers living there are largely fed ground beef that is given to them by the keepers. “Enrichment items,” like knucklebones, cow femurs, and rabbit carcasses, are added to the diet of these tigers as a pet.

Typical Health Issues

It is generally difficult to locate a veterinarian who is willing or even able to care for a tiger as a pet of any age, according to the Big Cat Rescue organization. They also state that, after being brought into captivity, 98% of all wild large cat species pass away. Many of the same potentially fatal diseases that harm house cats can also strike tigers, including feline leukemia virus , feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), rabies, and feline distemper. For this reason, just like domestic cats, captive tiger as a pet also need to receive vaccinations against certain illnesses.

Work out

Tiger as a pet require a lot of exercise to keep fit and happy because they have evolved to live in and wander over vast areas of territory. When tigers are confined to tiny areas, they will pace incessantly to suppress their innate desire to wander; this behavior can lead to anxiety and despair.


Like house cats, tigers as a pet use their rough tongues to rather successfully groom themselves. They like to swim as well, although more for cooling down than for washing.

Details of Size

Body Weight: 170 to 390 pounds for women, 200 to 575 pounds for men

Males are 6 to 10 feet in length, while females measure 4 to 6 feet.

Length of Tail: 3 to 4 feet for males; 2 to 3 feet for females

Getting a Bengal Tiger as a Pet

A tiger cub, at almost $7,500, is the most costly exotic animal, according to Big Animal Rescue. In addition, Big Cat Rescue states that owners should budget up to $20,000 for a cage big enough to contain a mature tiger, not to mention the high cost of the large room this massive predator needs to live.Household Felines Like the Tiger as a pet
If tigers pique your interest but you don’t want to endanger the lives of those around you or yourself, you might want to look into more manageable, smaller cats.

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Where do tigers live in the wild?

The surviving wild tigers are found in parts of India, Sumatra, and eastern Russia. They used to be found in Java, Bali, Iran, and Asia, but those areas are now home to no longer support them.

Which is the largest tiger species?

The Amur tiger, often known as the Siberian tiger, is the largest member of the genus.

What proportion of tigers are still found in the wild?

Less than 4,000 tigers are left in the wild worldwide.

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